Waiting For Your Baby: A Guide On How To Handle Your Pregnancy

While you are awaiting the new addition to the family, you will no doubt spend a lot of time and thoughts preparing for it.

You probably want to make the new arrival welcome and redecorate a room of your house / flat into a nursery, but be aware that pregnant women should not be anywhere near fresh paint. If you do wish to have the room re-painted, get someone else to do the job, and then keep the room well ventilated during the process and several days after. Toxic fumes can be absorbed both via lungs or skin and have negative effects on the unborn.

There may another danger lurking in the house one doesn’t generally think of:
If you have cats, be aware that the potentially harmful toxoplasmosis is transmitted via cat faeces. In order to not risk your child’s health, steer clear of the litter box and get someone else to clean it during pregnancy. Or at the very least, wear a face mask and disposable gloves if you have to do it yourself.

To help keep negative development of the foetus at bay, don’t just think of your environment, but also your food and nutrition intake: ensure to take folic acid (a type of vitamin B) right from the beginning, as it reduces the risk of common neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida or anencephaly) and helps with cell formation and tissue development. These defects generally occur already in the first few months, sometimes even before a woman even knows that she is pregnant. So if you have been planning for a baby, you can’t start early enough with this essential supplement!

In general, eat quality food to keep you and your baby’s bodies healthy. No more fast food – at the very least resist the urge until birth. If you find it hard, try to count down the time until delivery, but you may find that by then the better food choices may actually grow on you and you might wish to stick with them for the sake of everyone’s long-term benefit. Definitely a win-win result!

As the new life inside you grows, so will your tummy. But while skin is elastic, it can only stretch so much. Hot water can actually rob your skin of moisture because it washes away natural oils. Use a heavy moisturizer, like cocoa butter or shea butter, vitamin E cream or special pregnancy oils. Apply generously and gently massage in circles to combat stretchmarks.

Do take photos of your expanding belly: Children love to see pictures of what mommy looked like while she was pregnant with them. It will also help them learn and can be a great tool to explain the cycle of life early on. And years later when the kids have all grown up, these snaps can bring back tender memories.

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