Ways To Have A Healthy And Happy Pregnancy

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So you are pregnant – and may feel like shouting it from the rooftops. Or maybe not just yet….as it is your first time and you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. Well, here are some really easy-to-follow pointers to help you transition into this new chapter of your life. Use the information you read in this article to make those 9 months of creating a new life truly enjoyable.

It is actually a good idea to talk to your doctor before you are even considering becoming pregnant. Learning all you can to prepare yourself for pregnancy will make the experience safer and put you much more at ease with your own body and all health related matters.

One of the most crucial aspects for having a healthy baby is a well-balanced, nutritious diet. Apart from a multitude of more specialised advice on this subject, the easiest thing to change is cutting out fast food as early as possible, ideally already months before you even fall pregnant.  This can’t be stressed enough, and both you and the baby will benefit significantly. And while you are already half way there – why not committing to sticking to the changes long term? Your whole new family will be the winners for years to come. More great tips are described in Pregnancy Diet and Exercise: The Complete Guide to What You Should be Eating and Doing When You’re Expecting.

Another health related topic is your teeth: you may already visit a dentist routinely anyway to ensure the best care for your teeth. Take note though that a pregnancy can cause related issues such as gingivitis and make your immune system vulnerable. Ensure to consult with your dentist right away if you experience any troubling issues in this direction.

In order to provide a healthier environment for yourself, you should start replacing chemical detergents with more natural cleaning products (white vinegar being a trusted and effective solution!) during your pregnancy, as the body tends to absorb toxic chemicals through the skin and respiratory system.. Keep up the new regime after your baby is born, as they are particularly vulnerable to nasty substances.

One thing that often gets overlooked is that pregnancy can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, which can result in increased opportunities for sunburns or sunspots. Wear sunscreen if you are pregnant, even if you didn’t really require it before. You should also avoid using tanning beds.

On to more practical matters now:

Start shopping for your maternity clothing as soon as possible. Even if you are still able to fit into your normal clothes – the more this changes, the more you will want to rest, instead of dragging yourself around town as you become bigger. In the early stages, a sports bra is a good idea as this type of bra gives your breasts greater support and offers comfortable support as they expand. Also, it makes sense to take your time and choose carefully and leisurely instead of under pressure, for whatever the reason may be. After all – unexpected things often tend to pop up without notice, and at least then you are already kitted out and can focus on any other pressing situations as they arise.

You may also consider joining pregnancy classes as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Learning in a classroom setting will allow you to ask any questions you have and receive an expert answer. There is also a good chance you will find a new friend and the two of you can support each other along the way.

Talking about interpersonal relationships: Don’t forget about your spouse or partner when you are expecting. They are most likely as nervous about creating a family as you are. As the change from a partnership to a family is a giant leap on many levels, try to make the most of your ‘couple time’ while you can, but engage equally in preparing for the new constellation, or the other party is likely to feel left out.

Whilst cherishing one-on-one time should have a high priority, it is also critical to not procrastinate your preparations too long, as babies don’t always wait to arrive to a predetermined schedule.

One activity you might enjoy undertaking together is going swimming. It is a wonderfully gentle yet effective way to exercise, especially in the later stages as the water will help carry the extra weight and can feel quite soothing. However, don’t use hot tubs or sauna while you are pregnant. An overheated body can easily have negative effects on your baby. Avoid rosemary and juniper additives to your bath.

Once you reach the seventh month of your pregnancy, you might switch to sleeping on your left side. Sleeping this way allows the fetus to get the blood supply needed, while also allowing you to receive the proper blood flow to the uterus and kidneys. Try to avoid sleeping on your back, as it is counterproductive for your blood flow.

For a boundless array of fantastic tips check out the so called ‘pregnancy bible’ What to expect when you are expecting to prepare you for the big day when your little bundle of joy finally arrives.

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